
Stronger Together

To our dearest friends,

Now more than ever - we want to stay connected and reach out to all of you during this difficult time. How things have changed!

In the space of only a few weeks we have found ourselves in such a new environment of isolation and distance. But we feel that this current situation has also in some way made us closer to each other than we have been for a long time. Even though we all spend our lives racing around from one thing to the next; work, family commitments, social events, club events - constantly surrounded by people and interacting for hours each day - how much quality time do we get to spend on each activity before our minds are already onto the next commitment?

In our own world here at Miss Rose Sister Violet the last year has certainly seen us grow busier and busier - a mountain of new projects started, more and more travel commitments, more time away from home, more and more energy spent on racing from one thing to the next.... more... more... more. It's easy to feel that with more commitments you are partaking MORE in life - when in actual fact you so easily can end up giving LESS of yourself to each event and activity.

So in this time of isolation we have actually found some peace and space to re-focus on the things in life we value most. As cliche as it sounds - we have found time to stop and smell the roses again. Even in this difficult time of uncertainty there is still much joy and peace to be found. In more family time; more solitude with one's own thoughts; more time to reconnect with friends; more time in the garden; more time to start the projects that have been sitting on shelves for months.... there is peace and happiness and joy.

Yes there is much to be concerned about and for many the uncertainty for future safety and financial security is a very real issue. But if we all support each other, if we all move forward from a place of love and not fear - we WILL survive this rocky period. All things pass - and this too we will survive. 

We hope all of you, our dear friends, are safe and able to find some peace during these days of isolation.

And as always, we are sending love to everyone! xxxxxx

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