
Focus for 2020.

We have a new focus for 2020 and we would like to invite you to join us on our path towards a new way of existing.

Our word for the year is ACTION and our new focus is to be BOLD and TRUE to who we are. Live passionately but with PATIENCE. Fearlessly show our true colors to the world; something we have been guilty of neglecting to do this last year.

This modern world celebrates more so the "trending image" of the time rather than an honest more raw existence. Our televisions, movies and magazines show only the beautiful and extraordinary. Our social media feeds bombard us with people "living the dream". With such a fast paced one-sided view of people and their achievements, image, lifestyle it's so hard to not compare oneself and feel overwhelmed and a little bit lost. We certainly feel as though we lost ourselves over the past year and amongst the struggle to achieve and be something to everybody - we feel we more so became nothing to nobody!

So here we are at the start of 2020 - feeling very much like we are at an exciting crossroads, not knowing exactly which way to turn first but with a burning realisation that the TIME IS NOW for new beginnings.

We have decided that we are going to find our roots again and create more in keeping with what we love and not what we THINK people will love. We are going to try to inspire more, share more, relax more, laugh more and create a world where we can reconnect to what truly makes us happy.

We would love for you to join us on our journey!

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